Last update 8 November 2023
Mileages are given in the form miles.chains unless stated otherwise. Figures prefixed with ≈ are approximate, those in parentheses are not on this route but are given for reference. Reference to 'start'/'end' of an asset are as read down the page.
182.79 Colton Junction with ECM3 (182.79) and NOC (5.41) 184.59 COPMANTHORPE 186.45 Chaloners Whin Junction with TCW2 (186.14) 188.01 YORK HOLGATE EXCURSION also known as H. BRIDGE; Y. RACECOURSE possibly at 187.73 188.07 Holgate Junction with HOS (0.00) ≈188.20 junction with line to first permanent terminus 188.40 YORK and end on junction with ECM5 (0.00) (≈188.52) YORK permanent terminus, later goods depot Note that north of Chaloners Whin this line was originally measured via Selby (continuing the TCW2 count); south of Chaloners Whin this line was originally measured from York (forming the start of the NOC count)